Snake Bites and it's Daily victims in America Wildlife Measurements In US

The List of human deaths caused by snakes in the America by centuries in reverse chronological order. These deaths caused by snake bites have been documented via newspapers, news, media, cause of death statics and other many sources.

Killer Snake

Rattlesnake (Crotalus adamantus) is responsible for the most casualties in the US eastern diamond back and western diamond back both are considered the cause.

Venomous snakes

US consists of 50 states and there are 30 venomous species of snakes in US including 3 species of coral snakes, 23 species of rattle snacks, 2 species of copperhead and cottonmouth.

These snakes are common in all US states except seven states including Rhode island and Alaska.

Result of snake bites.

Date shows that 7000-8000  people including women, children, and men revive snake bites per year and about 5 of them die in America.

Top of the list is rattle snake and copperhead both are extremely venomous as likely to result in more deaths.

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